Granoski | Weil Blog: Essential Info for the Mid Peninsula Real Estate Market

Compass Welcomes Pacific Union

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I really enjoy being part of Pacific Union brokerage (see The Brokerage Your Realtor is with Matters). Now, Pacific Union is joining forces with Compass, a national real estate brokerage focused on empowering us […]

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Homebuyers Make Big Sacrifices for Top Schools

About 75 percent of homebuyers said that access to excellent schools was important in their search. Nearly 80 percent of buyers gave up some home features to land in their preferred school district, with about one in five sacrificing a […]

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The Brokerage Your Realtor is with Matters

Many people I speak to don’t have an understanding about how brokerages and agents work together. Many think that agents work for brokerages in a traditional model where paychecks are issued every two weeks and all marketing expenses are covered by […]

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Peace of Mind = A Well-Planned Earthquake Kit

When was the last time you refreshed the supplies in your earthquake-preparedness kit? You’re not alone if you don’t have one, of course. Count me in this group until this week as I was preparing this blog. It’s a fact of life […]

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